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Sonnentor Happiness is Crazy Love BIO Herbal Blend with Fruit


For those who love both spicy and fruity flavors, their taste buds might be pleasantly surprised by this crazy combination of herbal blend with mango, purple carrot, and chili. It pairs wonderfully with strudels, buttery cookies, and yogurt desserts. Happiness is... love in its many forms, a reflection of the greatness of the human soul. Let the spark fly!

3,90 EUR
Product code: 56016

ostružiník bio, ibišek bio, mango kousky bio (10 %), meduňka bio, pohanka nať bio, ananas kousky bio (7 %), aronie kousky bio, citronová kůra bio, pomerančová kůra bio, mrkev fialová bio (10 %), banán kousky bio, lékořice bio, mleté chilli bio (1 %)

Pour boiling water over a tea bag for a cup (approximately 250 ml) and let it steep for 10 minutes.

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